Discerning God’s Voice as an Invitation

Have you never wondered if what you are doing is within the will of God?  I sure have.  I have recently been discerning several activities I am involved in and whether I should continue because me and my ego want to; or because I feel God calling me to them.  I was reminded this week by my Spiritual Director that when God calls us to do something he doesn’t “order us” – he “invites us”.   In my case, I was feeling overwhelmed with many things on my plate.  I was feeling the burden of being told what to do from voices in my past which is an indication of a false spirit trying to detract my efforts.

My discernment involved being quiet in prayer and asking God to invite me again.  Once I was able to hear the His invitation and not the “marching orders” of a false spirit;  I knew what activities I needed to pursue.

Remember….God will always invite us to serve him.  Then, it is our free will to accept that invitation or not.  Once we accept, we discern the cost of serving and then set about doing his will – all from a place of freedom to serve not from a place of fear and obligation.

Take a pause today, be silent, go to prayer and listen for your invitation.

God’s response to my prayer:  “Beloved, go about the work I set for you.  Don’t look for a big holy resurrection moment – just work and do your best.  Don’t look for out loud confirmation.  Just know and believe that I love you and won’t leave you alone to do this work.”